Population: 17,000
Tourist Attractions / Points of Interest
Tonanitla has a lot of culture with excellent musicians and also is a place with many festivities during the whole year.
Why is your city interested in a Sister City Pairing?
Tonanitla is the youngest municipality in the state of Mexico, and last year it was 20 years old. In 2024, Tonanitla received a certification as one of the municipality healthier in the state of Mexico.
Tonanitla is a peaceful place, the whole population give friendship and warmth to the visitors which make us different of our neighbours. Also, we offer a complete experience due to the fact of our traditions, costumes and our music culture.
We are developing the sustainable in our city so that we are interested in social, economic and environmental topics. But also we want to develop a pairing with other cities, we will be delighted to receive foreign visitors.
What does your city have to offer a potential partner city?
We are a place of traditions and costumes, full of cultural activities, we offer the complete experience of the municipality of Tonanitla which means: “the place of our mother”.